Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Q Sprint Newsletter Dec 2010





q sprint email logo.jpg

Hi Everyone and welcome to the December E-Newsletter for the 2010/2011 season.


Christmas is here, so a very big MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone.


Hopefully everybody has had a successful breeding season, with lots of healthy new foals on the ground and successful breeding ventures in progress.  If you would like to show off your 2010 foals to the rest of the Q Sprint community send me an email so that I can include them in January’s newsletter.  If you have horses for sale drop me a email also.  It won’t be long and people will be searching out their next sprint or time trial prospect especially since time trial racing is becoming very popular in Western Queensland.


The next newsletter will come out at the end of January.  Please feel free to forward on this email to all your contacts so that we can generate as much interest as possible and show people we are serious about sprint racing. 


Message from the President


From the President’s Desk


Welcome to the last newsletter for 2010, I trust it has been great year for you all, and that the foaling season is going the way you wanted.


There is not a lot of news to relate, although we are working with ARQ on having the Rules of Racing  finalised and written up ,we hope that they will be ready early in the new year, and they will be made available as soon as possible . I was hopeful that the Web site would have been updated and revamped, but the gremlins got to work, and  due to work commitments I have not been able to complete the exercise, so please bear with me. I have been in contact with Peta Anne Tenney who was the face of the Australian Western Horseman magazine, and she has given permission for us to reprint articles from old copies of the magazine. I personally have a few copies, and Jody will be using some sprint training articles from them in some of next years newsletters. If any members have old copies with interesting articles in them then contact Jody and she will be able to run them in the newsletter.


From myself and the other members of the Q.Sprint executive I wish all the members a very safe and happy festive season and a very prosperous new year.


From the President

Greg Kilgour



Stallions at Stud

Amstel Speed Performance Horses in the Chinchilla area are standing Hy Times Jet, an 8yr old bay QH by Jet on Hy out of Bye Bye Jet.

Service fee $880 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 46655121 or 0427 669419


Wingara Quarter Horses in North west Qld is standing Down Tools, a 8yr old black QH by Instant Reaction out of Model Break.

Service fee $500 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 47417017


Canoona Speed Farms   is pleased to announce that early in the new year they will have available in central Queensland Mighty Buddy and Jetalong  Cassiday two very well bred young stallions ,for service to outside mares.


                 MIGHTY BUDDY  Sire  "Instant Reaction" dam "Touch of Mighty"

                   " Instant Reaction" , winner of 14 races over a period of 4 years retiring sound and now a Sire of winning barrel racing horses.

                " Touch of Mighty "   race winner ,and now Dam of race winners in  FORTUNE COOKIE  voted racehorse of the year in the Victorian 2009 sprinting season



                 JETALONG CASSIDAY Sire " Biscalight" by "Casey's Luck" from the great old mare "Better Chick" who currently resides at Sullivan's Run.

                                                     Dam  "Sava Lady"  race winning ,and race winning producing daughter of "The Ambassador".



                                      Canoona Speed Farms is located half an hour north of Rockhampton.

                                      The service fee for both horses is $ 800.including GST.

                                        For more information Contact Danny ,on Mob  0439341555. At night




Esmay Woods is standing :-

 'Charging Basil' (don't laugh I didn't name him) Q-40903   Sire 'Millbrook Combination'  (AJC Racing name 'Ima Charger' Dam 'Bobby's Cause'  15.1hh Fee $800.00 + agist. LFG


'Reynown I'm Spectacular'  Q-34902.  Sire 'Valley Ipswich'  Dam  'Rosa Lady Cylip'  14.2hh. Fee $800.00 + agist. LFG.

For further information please email Esmay at esmaywoods@bigpond.com





If you have a stallion you would like advertised in this spot please contact Jody Murray

Horses for Sale

Superior Sprint Quarter Horses has for sale Superiors Tomahawk a 2yr old colt who has been started by Don Gordon, $4500.

Contact David McNamara 0488 181 499  or david@superiorsprintquarterhorses.com.

For the full add go to www.superiorsprintquarterhorses.com


Esmay Woods has for sale, these horses that  would all suit Sprint Racing, speed events or cattle events.

1. Spectacular Dusty Road A3-362  $3500 (probably a bit old for Racing now.)

2.  Cherokee Burning Star A1-9681   $1750

3.  Spectacular Honeydew A1-10126 $1750

4.  Rebel Cause  A1-9379                $1500

 5. Jabiru 2nd x (unregistered Grandam Paint)  $1500 plenty of speed.


Esmay also have a couple at this stage for Lease to Race or Eventing.

1. Ima Dusty Go Girl A3-331

2. Boston Music Past A1-8995

3. In a Flash Cash  Q-63067

For further info please email Esmay esmaywoods@bigpond.com


Crown M has for sale a yearling sprint bred Quarter horse filly

Sire: Tamale (Ole Sugar Daddy x Speed Queen)

Dam: Dunmunkle Little Deb (Go Along Jet x Deb Night Deck)

December 2009 bay filly. Will be Q registered before sale.

Nice type of filly and very well grown. Very well bred with plenty of proven race and barrel horses amongst her pedigree.

$3500 neg Phone 0408 987 899 or email brenton.miller@elders.com.au

Breeding can be viewed on this link: http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/index.php?query_type=horse&h=LITTLE+SENORITA&g=5&cellpadding=0&small_font=1&l= or view more photos on our Facebook site “Crown M Quarter Horses”



If you  have a horse you would like to sell please contact Jody Murray


Other Horse Related Gear for Sale or Information Wanted


Can anyone help with information on locating either of the following Stallions. They are full brothers so locating either one would be good.

  The horses are  "Another Deck"  Q46801  by 'Deck the Halls" out of "Dancing Moon" the other one is  "Bar I" Q35710. I have information that "Another Deck" was owned by Scott A Wilmot , P O Box 2533 Nambour West 4560 but I have not been able to locate this person at this time. The Q.H. stud book has "Bar I" as still being owned by his breeder Mr Kevin Fox ,but as that gentleman passed away several years ago the horse could be anywhere .Any information would be greatly appreciated you can contact me by phone at (07) 49342840 or email at  loiskil@westnet.com.au


Uanda Station, Prairie NQ is looking for energetic young staff.  Positions available are governess  and station hand/s.

The governess position, supervision of school work for 3 kids grades 6,5 and 4.  School is through Charters Towers School of Distance Education.

The station hand position is mostly weaner handling and riding young horses as well as general station work and machinery work.

For further information and a full job description please contact Jody Murray on 07 47417017 or email scottandjody@reachnet.com.au


Foal Parade


Rob McClay has 3 foals to parade for us this month. 

2010 Kentucky Lady x Lion Doc Colt.JPG

(Colt)   by Lion Doc (Working) x CNR Kentucky Lady by Blaze To Glory


2010 Devils Angel x DD Colt.JPG

(Colt)    by Double Dozen (Sprint) x CNR Devils Angel by Blaze To Glory 

Congratulations Rob.

2010 Azure McCue x DD Filly.JPG

(Filly)    by Double Dozen (Sprint) x Azure McCue by Don McCue


















Membership Renewal


To join or renew your membership please contact Cathy Messenger.  Her details are below.  Or you can go to the website to down load the membership form.


Contact Details


President :  Greg Kilgour                                    Ph: 07 49342840                          email:  loiskil@westnet.com.au

Secretary:    Cathy Messenger                         Ph:  0428653990                                   email:  hillbillys414@bigpond.com.au

Treasurer:    Melinda Leong                              Ph:  07 54635702                                  email:  leomel@bigpond.com

News Letter Coordinator:    Jody Murray    Ph: 07 47417017                                   email:  scottandjody@reachnet.com.au

Committee:    Rex Zendher                               Ph:  07 46916215 or 0488088958    email:  lynrex@skymesh.com.au


Don’t forget you can join Q Sprint on the website at www.q-sprint.com.au or catch the latest news on www.racingquarterhorses.blogspot.com or Facebook by searching  for Q Sprint Inc.  When you advertise in the newsletter you will also get exposure on the blog spot as well as Facebook.


If anyone is interested in looking at the racing rules you can click on the web addresses below for Qld, Vic, and Australian Rules of racing. 


Rules of Racing Victoria  -  http://www.racingvictoria.net.au/p_Rules_of_Racing.aspx


Rules of Racing Queensland - http://www.queenslandracing.com.au/rules_policies/rulesracing.asp


Rules of Racing Australia - http://www.australianracingboard.com.au/rules





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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

FW: Q Sprint Newsletter Nov 2010



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Hi Everyone and welcome to the November E-Newsletter for the 2010/2011 season.


Well hasn’t the month flown.  There has been progress made with Racing Queensland as Greg has mentioned below.  He has also included some important links that everybody interested in racing should have a look at so that there is a better understanding of some of the rules of racing that are already in place.


The great sire  FIRST DOWN DASH recently passed away in his sleep at age 26.  He lived his life at the Vessels Stallion Farm.  This is a great loss to the sprint and barrel racing fraternity, but his legacy will live on with his wonderful progeny.


There will be a newsletter go out in December so if there is something you would like to add please email or phone me.  My details are below.


Message from the President


From the President’s Desk

                                             Well since the last news letter things have changed somewhat, the ARQ agreement has been reinstated and by following the draconian rules and regulations set out in that agreement we will be able to race. There will be quite a few hurdles to cross as we head towards our first race day, but if we all pull together then I am sure that we can succeed.  ARQ sent out a number of letters to race clubs throughout Queensland to ascertain if any of them would be interested in conducting sprint races. Three clubs intimated that they would be interested in conducting sprint racing, one club was in the South East Corner, one on the Darling Downs, and one in Central Queensland.  ARQ and Q Sprint together will enter into discussion with these clubs to ascertain what they have in mind and whether we can come to an agreement on conditions, eg. Dates, prize money, stewards, etc.


My personal opinion would be that the regional clubs would be the way to go. But others may have a different view, and of course that is what we need to know, if you have any ideas on the situation, then do not keep them to yourselves, but let us know so that we are all heading in the same direction.


The Arab racing down in Victoria have access to the TB tracks, and will be having a race in the middle of a main race day on a metropolitan track, early in the new year.  So we will be following up on how come their legislation allows that to happen but ours doesn’t.


If anyone is interested in looking at the racing rules you can click on the web addresses below for Qld, Vic, and Australian Rules of racing. 


Rules of Racing Victoria  -  http://www.racingvictoria.net.au/p_Rules_of_Racing.aspx


Rules of Racing Queensland - http://www.queenslandracing.com.au/rules_policies/rulesracing.asp


Rules of Racing Australia - http://www.australianracingboard.com.au/rules



Let’s hope that in another month I have more encouraging news to pass on.



Greg Kilgour


Getting to Know Q Sprint Members

As most of us are spread out all over Queensland and we don’t often get the chance to meet members face to face I asked some of our committee how they become interested in sprint racing so that we can all get to know each other a little better.


Here’s how Melinda Leong our treasurer became hooked on sprint horses.

“I have a mare Terry Chinner bred.  A few years ago he was in the area & called in to see my horses. He offered to take the oldest gelding to train & race. So of to Vic he went, this gave me the first taste of sprint racing, I became hooked. I sent the second one Instant Cash, down to Jack Coffey to train for the challenge in 09, unfortunately he didn't get a start. But last season, 2010, he finally got 3 starts for a 1st,2nd & a 3rd. That was exciting, now I'm really hooked.  As dollars are always hard to find. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the generosity of both Terry & Jack for giving me the opportunity to participate.”




Stallions at Stud

Amstel Speed Performance Horses in the Chinchilla area are standing Hy Times Jet, an 8yr old bay QH by Jet on Hy out of Bye Bye Jet.

Service fee $880 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 46655121 or 0427 669419


Wingara Quarter Horses in North west Qld is standing Down Tools, a 8yr old black QH by Instant Reaction out of Model Break.

Service fee $500 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 47417017


Canoona Speed Farms   is pleased to announce that early in the new year they will have available in central Queensland Mighty Buddy and Jetalong  Cassiday two very well bred young stallions ,for service to outside mares.


                 MIGHTY BUDDY  Sire  "Instant Reaction" dam "Touch of Mighty"

                   " Instant Reaction" , winner of 14 races over a period of 4 years retiring sound and now a Sire of winning barrel racing horses.

                " Touch of Mighty "   race winner ,and now Dam of race winners in  FORTUNE COOKIE  voted racehorse of the year in the Victorian 2009 sprinting season



                 JETALONG CASSIDAY Sire " Biscalight" by "Casey's Luck" from the great old mare "Better Chick" who currently resides at Sullivan's Run.

                                                     Dam  "Sava Lady"  race winning ,and race winning producing daughter of "The Ambassador".



                                      Canoona Speed Farms is located half an hour north of Rockhampton.

                                      The service fee for both horses is $ 800.including GST.

                                        For more information Contact Danny ,on Mob  0439341555. At night





If you have a stallion you would like advertised in this spot please contact Jody Murray

Horses for Sale

Superior Sprint Quarter Horses has for sale Superiors Tomahawk a 2yr old colt who has been started by Don Gordon, $4500.

Contact David McNamara 0488 181 499  or david@superiorsprintquarterhorses.com.

For the full add go to www.superiorsprintquarterhorses.com


If you  have a horse you would like to sell please contact Jody Murray


Other Horse Related Gear for Sale or Information Wanted


Can anyone help with information on locating either of the following Stallions. They are full brothers so locating either one would be good.

  The horses are  "Another Deck"  Q46801  by 'Deck the Halls" out of "Dancing Moon" the other one is  "Bar I" Q35710. I have information that "Another Deck" was owned by Scott A Wilmot , P O Box 2533 Nambour West 4560 but I have not been able to locate this person at this time. The Q.H. stud book has "Bar I" as still being owned by his breeder Mr Kevin Fox ,but as that gentleman passed away several years ago the horse could be anywhere .Any information would be greatly appreciated you can contact me by phone at (07) 49342840 or email at  loiskil@westnet.com.au



Foal Parade

Melinda Leong’s latest edition is a colt by Scrutinizer out of Top Rambler who is by Hempens Rambler.

These photos were taken at 2 days of age. 

Cosmos 016.jpgCosmos 019.jpg


Wingara QH’s latest edition

Duke a colt by Wingara Slide N Out out of Royal Selection who’s by Blaze to Glory.

This photo was taken at 2 days old.




Membership Renewal


To join or renew your membership please contact Cathy Messenger.  Her details are below.  Or you can go to the website to down load the membership form.


Contact Details


President :  Greg Kilgour                                    Ph: 07 49342840                          email:  loiskil@westnet.com.au

Secretary:    Cathy Messenger                         Ph:  0428653990                                   email:  hillbillys414@bigpond.com.au

Treasurer:    Melinda Leong                              Ph:  07 54635702                                  email:  leomel@bigpond.com

News Letter Coordinator:    Jody Murray    Ph: 07 47417017                                   email:  scottandjody@reachnet.com.au

Committee:    Rex Zendher                               Ph:  07 46916215 or 0488088958    email:  lynrex@skymesh.com.au


Don’t forget you can join Q Sprint on the website at www.q-sprint.com.au or catch the latest news on www.racingquarterhorses.blogspot.com or Facebook by searching  for Q Sprint Inc.  When you advertise in the news letter you will also get exposure on the blog spot as well as Facebook.




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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FW: Q Sprint Newsletter Oct 2010



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Hi Everyone and welcome to the first E-Newsletter for the 2010/2011 season.


The AGM was held on Saturday 9th October.  At this meeting we saw the stepping down of Jodie Vanstone, retiring president and Esmay Woods, retiring secretary and saw Greg Kilgour  take on the Presidents’ position, Cathy Messenger, the secretaries position, Melinda Leong the treasurer and Jody Murray and Rex Zendher, committee member positions.  Although attendance was disappointing the outcomes where very fruitful.


It is our intention to send out a monthly e-newsletter.  With your help we can make this a worthwhile bit of reading.   So if you have any ideas or have something relevant you would like to sell please get in touch with the newsletter coordinator.  Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to other sprint racing enthusiasts that we haven’t heard from yet. 


Message from the President



From the president's desk.


Welcome to all those interested in sprint racing, both financial and non financial members.  We hope that you will send this news letter on to others that we don’t know yet, in the hope that they may become Q Sprint members, and help the sprint racing cause. I believe that Q Sprint is the ideal vehicle to carry sprint racing on to a very bright future, the vehicle has suffered from a few mechanical problems over the last twelve months, but a new battery and some air in the tyres and we are back on the road again. 


Our thanks must go to Jodie Vanstone for her time as president and I wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Esmay Woods has been a tower of strength over the last twelve months in the position of secretary and she will be sorely missed in that position. Many thanks Esmay for all your efforts and we thank you in advance for all the help you will give our new secretary Cathy Messenger. Cathy is not new to sprint racing but is new to being a secretary, so bear with her as she learns the ropes.  Many thanks to Melinda Leong for taking on the role of treasurer, as it is important to have someone who knows what they are doing in this position.


This news letter is coming to you through the efforts of Jody Murray , this is just a quick one to let you know we are back on the road. Many thanks Jody for your time and effort. Jody is the newsletter coordinator, so if you have any news or views or horses to sell then get in touch with Jody.


Our other committee member is Rex Zendher, who has been around sprint racing for a long time, and I am sure he will be a big asset as we travel down the road.


The biggest concern we have with sprint racing at the moment, is the fact that Alternate Racing Qld ,the body that would be controlling sprint racing in Qld was disbanded due to lack of activity. But fortunately ARQ is up and running again and has a submission in to Qld Racing to have the ARQ racing rules reinstated.  This decision should come about in the first week of November, so until then we can only wait and hope that the ruling is reinstated. Most of you know of Ian Rosenow, he is president of ARQ ,he is very hopeful about the outcome, which is most encouraging. There is not a lot of planning that can be done, until the outcome of the ruling

is known. We will send out an email to everyone as soon as the decision is known.


Remember this is your club, so if you have any ideas, views or opinions, that will be helpful in the running of the organisation ,then do not hesitate to put them forward so that your voice may be heard.


Bye for now

Greg Kilgour



Stallions at Stud

Amstel Speed Performance Horses in the Chinchilla area are standing Hy Times Jet, an 8yr old bay Qh by Jet on Hy out of Bye Bye Jet.

Service fee $880 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 46655121 or 0427 669419


Wingara Quarter Horses in North west Qld is standing Down Tools, a 8yr old black QH by Instant Reaction out of Model Break.

Service fee $500 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 47417017


If you have a stallion you would like advertised in this spot please contact Jody Murray

Horses for Sale

Superior Sprint Quarter Horses has for sale Superiors Savannah who’s by Winning Deck out of Proud Savannah $4500 and Superiors Tomahawk a 2yr old colt who has been started by Don Gordon, $4500.

Contact David McNamara 0488 181 499  or david@superiorsprintquarterhorses.com.

For the full add of these horses go to www.racingquarterhorses.blogspot.com


If you  have a horse you would like to sell please contact Jody Murray


Other Horse Related Gear for Sale


2010 Isuzu  FFR 600 duel cab truck.  Comes with rhyder stock crate and bullbar, pull out ramp and side load, ringfedder, UHF, under body tool box and water tank.  Only a couple of Kms on clock.  Only selling as it was not what we thought we were buying and is surplus to requirements.  $125,000.  For more info and pictures call 07 47417017.

Membership Renewal


To join or renew your membership please contact Cathy Messenger.  Her details are below.  Or you can go to the website to down load the membership form.


Contact Details


President :  Greg Kilgour

Secretary:    Cathy Messenger

Treasurer:    Melinda Leong

News Letter Coordinator:    Jody Murray    Uanda Station Prairie NQ  4816  Ph: 07 47417017  email:  scottandjody@reachnet.com.au

Committee:    Rex Zendher 


Don’t forget you can join Q Sprint on the website at www.q-sprint.com.au or catch the latest news on www.racingquarterhorses.blogspot.com or Facebook by searching  for Q Sprint Inc.  When you advertise in the news letter you will also get exposure on the blog spot as well as Facebook.




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Monday, November 15, 2010

Q Sprint - Welcome News

The Q Sprint committee has had some fantastic news. Alternate Racing Qld, ARQ, has had a break through with Racing Queenland. What this will mean for Q Sprint is RACING. Q Sprint will soon be able to hold races on registered tracks.
At this stage the finer details are still being finalised, but by the time the Q Sprint Newsletter is emailed out at the end of November there will be definate infomation for all the loyal members and supporters of Q Sprint.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only Act, but also Dream , not only Plan, but also Believe." -Anatole France-

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Torbanlea Picnic Races

The Torbenlea Picnic races where held a couple of weekends ago and from all accounts it was a graet day, even after heavey rain and cyclonic winds. There was a great crowd and the fields where well supported with all the races run over 400m. This was mostly for safety reasons. There was a maiden 400m race and a open 400m race with Ian Rosenow's horse winning the first heat of the maiden and Cathy Messenger's horse coming second in a field of five horses. Cathy was very excited to see her horse thunder down the straight. Susan Peddle also made the trip down from Dululu with a little mare which did very well. It was reported that Susan went home with a smile on her face from ear to ear.

Thanks Cathy for your run down on what sounded like a great day. Lets hope that this is the start of great things to come for sprint racing in Queensland.

Well done to everybody who supported the Torbenlea Picnic race day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Q Sprint AGM News

Well the AGM is done and dusted for another year. This year saw Jodie Vanstone (President) and Esmay Woods (Secretary) both stand down. The new president is Greg Kilgour and the new secretary is Cathy Messenger. Melinda Leong has stayed on as treasurer and Jody Murray and Rex Zehner as committee members. Jody has also offered to do the newsletters again this year. Thank you to everybody who has taken on a position.

There will be a monthly e-newsleter go out to existing and past members as well as to any supporters that have let the committee know they are interested. The first newsletter for this membership year will be out by the end of this week.

Good luck to the new Q Sprint committee.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Q Sprint AGM

The Q Sprint AGM is to be held
October 9 2010
2 pm
Royal Hotel - Roadvale Qld

All members other then life members need to renew their membership if they wish to vote at the AGM.

This meeting holds a great deal of importance to the future of Q Sprint. All members are urged to attend. If you can't come proxy voting forms can be obtained from Esmay Woods. Any other concerns, ideas, or request can also be forwarded to Esmay.

Esmay can be contacted on 0428757318 or email esmaywoods@bigbond.com with Q Sprint AGM Enquirey in the subject line.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hy Times Jet

Amstel Speed Performance Horses
Hy Times Jet
2002 Bay Quarter Horses
Sire: Jet On Hy
Dam: Bye Bye Jet

Hy Times Jet is siring progeny with good size, temperment and athletic ability, that will suit a large range of disiplines.

Standing at Chinchilla
Service fee $880 inc. + vet & agistment

For bookings and infomation please call 07 46655121 or 0427 669419

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dash For Cash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0ChIRyZ_9c&feature=related


Stingers Cup

What a great day the 25th September will be for the people of the Normanton district with the running of the Stingers Cup Carnival, bush race meet and broncs, bulls and Barrels.
There is a 10 race program starting at 12:30pm with the first 5 races being the heats with 5 horses per heat. Race 6 takes all the 5th placed horses. Race 7 takes all the 4th placed horses. Race 8 takes all the 3rd placed horses. Race 9 taking all 2nd placed horses. And race 10, the Stingers Cup taking all first placed horses from the heats. There is a total of about $13500 of total prize money for all the events on the day and the Cup is worth $3000 for the winner.

The races are run over a very short 200m, with a line start. The first 50m the horses are to stay in their own lanes. Any crossing of lanes results in disqualification. The races are open to any breed of horse so long as they are not a registered race horse.

After the races there is a small rodeo program with a Bull and Bronc ride as well as a barrel race. There is an added incentive with the barrel race in that if your horse wins a race then wins the barrel race you get to take home an extra $500 bonus plus the $1200 for first place round the drums.

For further info call Cherie Crossland 07 47452665 or Paul Stevens 07 47451500

Friday, August 6, 2010

For Sale

Ian Rosenow has a number of geldings and a couple of fillies for sale. All of various ages and levels of handling. Give him a call to find out more.
Phone 07 46301216 or 040177354.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Quick Sale

FOR QUICK SALE ... 5 colts/geldings, all elig AQHA reg, 4 are yearlings and 1 two year old, bloodlines are Lion Deck, The Ambassador, Easy Dozen, Model Bird, make great barrel/rope prospects, quiet but not handled, located in northern NSW, must sell ASAP ... $500 each ... contact Des 0429 336 016

Thursday, July 8, 2010

At stud or for sale

If you have a stud that you would like me to add or if you have horses for sale message me at scottandjody@reachnet.com.au In the subject line please add RQH for sale or RQH at stud.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Horses for sale

I have just finished having a look on Terry Chinners sprint horse web site. Wow there are some fantastic horses for sale. Marie Elliot has some pretty amazing bloodlines in amongst her herd.