Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FW: Q Sprint Newsletter Oct 2010



q sprint email logo.jpg

Hi Everyone and welcome to the first E-Newsletter for the 2010/2011 season.


The AGM was held on Saturday 9th October.  At this meeting we saw the stepping down of Jodie Vanstone, retiring president and Esmay Woods, retiring secretary and saw Greg Kilgour  take on the Presidents’ position, Cathy Messenger, the secretaries position, Melinda Leong the treasurer and Jody Murray and Rex Zendher, committee member positions.  Although attendance was disappointing the outcomes where very fruitful.


It is our intention to send out a monthly e-newsletter.  With your help we can make this a worthwhile bit of reading.   So if you have any ideas or have something relevant you would like to sell please get in touch with the newsletter coordinator.  Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to other sprint racing enthusiasts that we haven’t heard from yet. 


Message from the President



From the president's desk.


Welcome to all those interested in sprint racing, both financial and non financial members.  We hope that you will send this news letter on to others that we don’t know yet, in the hope that they may become Q Sprint members, and help the sprint racing cause. I believe that Q Sprint is the ideal vehicle to carry sprint racing on to a very bright future, the vehicle has suffered from a few mechanical problems over the last twelve months, but a new battery and some air in the tyres and we are back on the road again. 


Our thanks must go to Jodie Vanstone for her time as president and I wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Esmay Woods has been a tower of strength over the last twelve months in the position of secretary and she will be sorely missed in that position. Many thanks Esmay for all your efforts and we thank you in advance for all the help you will give our new secretary Cathy Messenger. Cathy is not new to sprint racing but is new to being a secretary, so bear with her as she learns the ropes.  Many thanks to Melinda Leong for taking on the role of treasurer, as it is important to have someone who knows what they are doing in this position.


This news letter is coming to you through the efforts of Jody Murray , this is just a quick one to let you know we are back on the road. Many thanks Jody for your time and effort. Jody is the newsletter coordinator, so if you have any news or views or horses to sell then get in touch with Jody.


Our other committee member is Rex Zendher, who has been around sprint racing for a long time, and I am sure he will be a big asset as we travel down the road.


The biggest concern we have with sprint racing at the moment, is the fact that Alternate Racing Qld ,the body that would be controlling sprint racing in Qld was disbanded due to lack of activity. But fortunately ARQ is up and running again and has a submission in to Qld Racing to have the ARQ racing rules reinstated.  This decision should come about in the first week of November, so until then we can only wait and hope that the ruling is reinstated. Most of you know of Ian Rosenow, he is president of ARQ ,he is very hopeful about the outcome, which is most encouraging. There is not a lot of planning that can be done, until the outcome of the ruling

is known. We will send out an email to everyone as soon as the decision is known.


Remember this is your club, so if you have any ideas, views or opinions, that will be helpful in the running of the organisation ,then do not hesitate to put them forward so that your voice may be heard.


Bye for now

Greg Kilgour



Stallions at Stud

Amstel Speed Performance Horses in the Chinchilla area are standing Hy Times Jet, an 8yr old bay Qh by Jet on Hy out of Bye Bye Jet.

Service fee $880 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 46655121 or 0427 669419


Wingara Quarter Horses in North west Qld is standing Down Tools, a 8yr old black QH by Instant Reaction out of Model Break.

Service fee $500 + Vet and Ajistment.

Contact 07 47417017


If you have a stallion you would like advertised in this spot please contact Jody Murray

Horses for Sale

Superior Sprint Quarter Horses has for sale Superiors Savannah who’s by Winning Deck out of Proud Savannah $4500 and Superiors Tomahawk a 2yr old colt who has been started by Don Gordon, $4500.

Contact David McNamara 0488 181 499  or david@superiorsprintquarterhorses.com.

For the full add of these horses go to www.racingquarterhorses.blogspot.com


If you  have a horse you would like to sell please contact Jody Murray


Other Horse Related Gear for Sale


2010 Isuzu  FFR 600 duel cab truck.  Comes with rhyder stock crate and bullbar, pull out ramp and side load, ringfedder, UHF, under body tool box and water tank.  Only a couple of Kms on clock.  Only selling as it was not what we thought we were buying and is surplus to requirements.  $125,000.  For more info and pictures call 07 47417017.

Membership Renewal


To join or renew your membership please contact Cathy Messenger.  Her details are below.  Or you can go to the website to down load the membership form.


Contact Details


President :  Greg Kilgour

Secretary:    Cathy Messenger

Treasurer:    Melinda Leong

News Letter Coordinator:    Jody Murray    Uanda Station Prairie NQ  4816  Ph: 07 47417017  email:  scottandjody@reachnet.com.au

Committee:    Rex Zendher 


Don’t forget you can join Q Sprint on the website at www.q-sprint.com.au or catch the latest news on www.racingquarterhorses.blogspot.com or Facebook by searching  for Q Sprint Inc.  When you advertise in the news letter you will also get exposure on the blog spot as well as Facebook.




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