For those of you who have a registered quarter horse and want to have a go at racing now is the time to get in and have a go.
Dates for North Queensland until the end of August are:
-Mt Garnet 3&4th of May 2013
-Mareeba 3rd August 2013
-Atherton 25 August 2013
Please note that there are more clubs coming on board and as they set their dates I will endeavour to let you know. If you are involved with a jockey club in your local area and would like to host a quarter horse sprint race at your next race meeting please give Chris Chalmers a call and he will let you know what the requirements are.
The guidelines for racing your quarter horses will be released soon to let you know what the regulations and rules are for racing quarter horses. It has been a long time in the coming and it is important that the sprint racing enthusiast of Australia pull together to allow this work.
Looking forward to seeing you at the track in the future.
Jody & Racing Quarter Horses
PS: The last bit of the post is my personal view as I have no alliences with anybody. I just love sprint horses.
I have been waiting a while and holding that faith that we will be racing our quarter horses successfully and creating a viable and sustainable industry. I have had alot of people bag me out over the years (especially ones in western Qld) and I have stood on toes because of my belief that we will be racing sprint horses on tracks in Queensland again. It is now time for people to put their differences aside, leave any beefs at the front gate and lets get horses on the track. To create an industry it needs people who want to have a go. The prize money may not be much to start with but hey we all got to start somewhere and if we are only racing for jackpot money to start with let us be grateful for that. Isn't it better that our horses are doing what they are bred to do and proving their ability.
That's all.
Have a great day.
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